1. Give your hair more volume.
Replace hair fixative with foam. This is the same price as other styling products, but also contains myrrh, a resin that strengthens the hair and raised the root, to give hair more volume.Dry upside down. Apply a little mousse to wet hair roots to tips, then bends the head down and dry your hair in that position.
Hair should be still a little wet when you give it back your hair to you to arrange as you wish.Use a round brush when you arrange your hair to have more volume. Get the hair root and rolled up the brush tops. Choose a medium size brush for long hair and a small brush for short hair. This type of brush gives hair volume while you dry it.
2.Damaged hair needs weekly treatments
You can save money if you replace damaged hair mask with jojoba oil which is found at the pharmacy. Jojoba has a fine molecular structure that allows it to penetrate and fill the damaged hair, jojoba oil makes a perfect choice for conditioner. Apply plenty of oil on dry hair, cover your head with a hot towel for 30 minutes. Wash your hair and rinse with cold water to seal the cuticle and give your hair shine. When hair is infused with oil, it smooths the cuticle and the hair looks smoother and brighter.
Heat opens the hair's protective outer layer and can cause damage to wires and wrinkling. Using cold air while it helps you arrange to keep your cuticle smooth and bright. If your dryer has a cool shot button, use it for every strand of hair. This way your hair will last longer and will be less damaged . If not, use your brush to arrange each strand about 30 seconds, during which the is cooling down.
3. Milk can help you get rid of redness in the cheeks.
Soak a clean washcloth in cold milk and put it on your face for 10 minutes. Milk contains proteins, lipids, amino acids, vitamin A - all reduce the redness and soothes irritated skin. In addition, lactic acid in milk exfoliates your skin and your skin will look soft and shiny.
4. Hide brown spots carefully.
First, to choose a concealer a shade or two lighter than your foundation you use. Concealer should be applied with a special brush and not with your finger to cover the area better. Then apply foundation that matches your skin tone. Illuminate spots concealer and foundation evens out skin color.
5. Use makeup to have a creamy, shiny skin.
Creamy foundation formulas gives skin a soft and reflective sheen. The cheeks are usually dry than the T of the face, so instead of powder used in powder form, buy a blush with a creamy formula that gives skin a youthful glow instead to leave skin very matte.
6. Makeup properly thin lips, use light colors and gloss.
Dark or very light colors draw attention to the size of your lips and fine lines around your mouth. However, if you choose a lipstick that mimics the color of your lips you will look younger. After applying lipstick, defines the outer edges of the lips with a pencil in a shade that matches your lipstick. Do not try to overcome the contours of the lips mouth look more bulky because they will look fake.
7. Teeth Whitening offers a bright smile.
Brushing with a paste of baking soda and water several times a month removes surface stains and whitens teeth with a shade or two. You can remove red wine stains after dinner if you eat a raw carrot or an apple. Vegetables and fruits countries may have a cleansing action, and by chewing and scrubbing can remove stains.Choose the right shade of lipstick. The colors are blue pigments containing teeth look whiter. To choose the right lipstick, try on hand three or four shades and you will easily see which ones contain tone blue and yellow pigments that emphasize the clean teeth.
8. Use a pencil correction to reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.
Choose a form of a cream concealer that suits all skin types and especially with the skins dry and apply a generous layer to the inner corner to outer corner of your eye with a special brush. Fingering the pellet product to enter the skin. If dark circles are still visible, apply a second coat of concealer. The last step is to use a powder that matches your foundation shade for your makeup to last all day.Tea bags soothe tired eyes. Caffeine helps the blood vessels and decrease the excretion of fluids that create bumps and dark spots under eyes. Soak tea bags in hot water for one minute and then in cold water for a few seconds. Lie down and apply directly to eyes sachets for 15 minutes.
9. Do not use excessive makeup to cover imperfections.
To make sure you do not overdo it with cosmetics, in place to cover the fine lines around the eyes and mouth only to emphasize, use a dry sponge that you buffer the front. Pellet, not erase, otherwise you will not only remove the excess, but all the makeup.
10. Use pliers to curl your eyelashes.
To make sure that does not break your lashes, use the device when genes are clean and dry. Press three times a pair of pliers and you will have beautiful arched genes. If you want your genes to stay back for longer, dry with heat mascara brush for 15 seconds before using. Heat makes more resilient curling.