- Slap someone with a piece of baloney! (yes that’s the WHAT?! button your clicking……).
- Press the damn what button!
- Slap a random person with a live fish…….. Yes, that is the weird button you are clicking.
- Find something on this site and actually do it. Yes, yes that’s the ‘what?!’ button you’re pressing.
- Name every single one of your teeth. yes. your clicking the what button.
- Be a mutated seal/bear. Yes, that is the “what” button you are clicking.
- Go to sleep before you wake up
- Next time you go camping, ask why the tent doesn’t glow in the Dark. (that’s the what button. I know.
- Figure this out: the following sentence is true. the previous sentence is false.
- Fall to the ground and miss.
- Ride a door.
- Fall off the floor.
- Put a banana in your favorite ear.
- Take a banana and find a park bench with someone sitting on it and slowly scoot closer to them and w.
- Pretend you are a constipated ninja.
- Act like a squirrel in the shower!!!
- Ride a couch down main street.
- Smell the sun.
- Write on your forehead “dont look me in the eye…….im a cannibal” then jiggle like jello.
- Tell someone you just ate a silver butterfly and you are rather upset about it.
- Eat a cupcake and then scream at a sink.
- Enter a crowded elvator and say “So, lots of fiber last night..”.
- Nail jello to a tree
- Moo like a chicken.
- Bark like potato.
- Talk to Cleverbot.
- Morph a banana and an apple together to get the ultimate fruit.
- Go outside with no pants on and a bra over your shirt screaming i have scissors.
- Take a jello bath.
- Walk up to the next George you see and say :YOU HAVE IT TOO!” then run away.
- Get clear tape and wrap it around your face and run around Walmart asking for apples.
- Sniff your lawn.
- When the person on your tv says something talk to it like its talking to u!! wait what!?
- Go into target and hug a can of beans.
- Eat yogurt and run around in the road and scream SHES HERE!
- Go up to a person and say “have you ever sniffed a unicorn toe?”.
- Go sit at the corner of a round table.
- Drive around slapping people with a wet fish.
- When the school bell rings yell, THE DINOSAURS ARE COMING!!! then act like a dead hobo.
- Fall up a tree.
- Go up to someone and say, “can I see your arm?” Rub your nose up and down their arm.
- Wear 5 watches on each arm and ask someone for the time while slapping yourself in the face.
- Run up to a random person and see how many times you can lick them before they shout at you.
- Do not do tier15.
- Do the worm on your couch and scream “WHY DO THE NARWALS ALWAYS HAVE TO STEAL OUR TOILETS!!”.
- Attempt to fall over twice…WITHOUT getting back up the first time.
- Go up to a curtain say “NEVER do that to my mom again!” and start skipping away singing a love song.
- Go up to anyone named Garret and tell them to stop throwing skittles at your local squirrel.
- Microwave soap.
- Ride a block of ice down a golf course.
- Run Directly at The Wall Between Platform Nine and Ten.
- Say ‘LOOK ME IN THE EYE!’ to a random-er and then slap them with a piece of baloney. (WHAT?! button).
- Look up safety torch and sing it at random times so other people stare at you, then ask them for $50.
- What I if told you read this wrong.
- Go to your neighbors house and ask to borrow their orange fuzzy hammer.
- Blink wildly for 30 seconds, then feel your nose muscles with your nose.
- Walk into a candy , stand 2 feet from the door and say I feel like a kid in a candy store. leave.
- Drive around by yourself. At a red light, get out and do a Chinese fire drill.
- Shave a tennis ball!
- Try everything in bunny suicides.
- Lick a frozen pole then poke your friend’s tummy!
- The potatoes are alive!
- Learn how to act like a wet fish out of chicken fat.
- When someone asks you somthing, take off yor pants, hand it to them, and say, “Of course you can”.
- Jump off the roof of your house, onto a pile of marshmallows and gummi bears.
- Take one of your friends jackets, smell it, if it smells good keep smelling and see what happens.
- Learn to do the Mexican wave with your eyebrows.
- Throw a potato at the ground and miss.
- Tape the bottom of your pants and fill it up with water.
- Buy your teacher roses and then eat them in front of them.
- Shout theres a piano on the wall when they look duck then say your hiding from an alien abducktion.
- Call three zero seven six six zero six zero eight four and ask for a good time.
- Eat the smell of carrots.
- Go to Walmart and ask for blueberry toilet paper.
- Take someone’s clean sock and say that it is beautiful and it smells good.
- Buy a very large Hamster Ball and gorilla suit and roll around and act like your in a rush.
- Draw a face on your hand and make out with it.
- Take control of a public PA system and pretend to be GLaDOS.
- Bite someones leg and yell “I AM THE SQUIRELL OF YOUR DREAMS!”.
- Try to swim to the throat of the world.
- Paint a pickle orange.
- Go to MacDonald’s and buy every size in fries without the fries .
- Put red wine in a choclate bunny and shoot it.
- Put a hard boiled egg in the microwave then hand it to your friend. run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Throw m&m’s at bald guys’ heads. when they turn around pretend to be a fish.
- Try feeding skittles to a rainbow.
- Sometimes I like to sit in my closet and pretend im a potato.
- Eat your feet…
- Lick your friends nose.
- Try and order 43 chicken nuggets without using 4 piece chicken nuggets. X3.
- Kill Chuck Norris…
- Bathe in melted butter no seriously try it! TRY IT TRY IT TRY IT TRY IT!!
- Dance like a midget.
- Play your own game of slender.
- Ask people on the street if they will be the bread to your sandwich.
- Eat cheese in front of and oreing and say cheesey oreng.
- Eat your fingers in public.
- Ride a Turtle!! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE Yes your clicking the weird button.
- BE a narwhal. BE it.
- Tell the president to give our food back.